Master Pat Forde started working with bullying targets in Ireland in 2009 initially through Anti-Bully Bootcamp which later became and is nationally renowned and has helped many kids turn possible bullying situations around by helping them build confidence, self-esteem & assertiveness with new body language, ways of speaking , and sense of self.
Kids don't need to be victims of bullying to benefit from these camps. The verbal and social skills they will learn will benefit them not just in possible bullying situations but throughout their lives as the methods used in these camps have proved highly successful with kids from all over Ireland.
The protection of kids from bullying is always something our chief instructor Master Pat Forde has always been passionate about.
To facilitate this he wanted to greatly improve on the skills and anti bullying methods used in his martial arts class to make the programme suitable for all kids and not just those that attend martial arts classes. Pat Forde wanted to provide a programme that rather than just talked about the negative effects of bullying gave kids and parents a positive programme that would help families deal with and help prevent bullying situations. To achieve this it was vital to seek out training that deals with anti-bullying and after conducting research both in Ireland and abroad our lead instructor has traveled to the UK for training. While now working nationally with schools our lead instructor Master Pat Forde still provides workshops for students and with his training, knowledge and experience combined with his talents as an instructor this has been very successful . Master Pat Forde is fully Garda Vetted and has many years of experience working with young people.
Many kids have already benefited from these workshops with families travelling from all over Ireland to attend. These workshops are run in different formats depending on the needs of participants and include day programmes for those effected by bullying, preventative anti bullying clincs and personal mentoring sessions for parents and child . Master Forde is also available to work with schools and other organisations and has a lot of experience working with schools and Youth Service groups.
Master Forde is also available to provide parents talks and his talks are regularly attended by large numbers of parents.
We have seen very positive results from these workshops and Pat Forde now worked with hundreds of schools nationwide helping thousands of families nationally. We have surveyed every young person who has attended and remarkably all have felt more confident about dealing with bullying situations after attending. Also many kids could identify situations they had encountered in the past that they would have dealt with differently had they attended our workshop earlier. All kids felt that the workshops exceeded their expectations and was much better and more enjoyable than they were expecting. Many also made friends through our workshop that they have kept in contact with. These results have been mirrored by the positive comments we have had from parents.
Kids and Teenagers
Age appropriate workshops for school going kids from 5-6, 7-9, 10-12, secondary school transition programme, and teenager day workshops. Advance booking is required for all workshops.
Private Family Sessions
These are private anti-bullying and mentoring sessions for family members :teens, children and parents.
School Workshops
Available for schools nationwide. For schools this is available as age appropriate workshops which are run by Master Pat Forde. Secondary school transition workshop are also available which can be run with primary school 6th class and secondary school 1st year students.
As part of our whole school approach workshops are provided to groups of students. Parents talks and talks with staff are also provided for.
Parent Talks
Among the many responsibilities of the parent is preparing kids for the world outside of the home environment. Bullying is a very difficult area for parents to deal with as not only does our advice influence our kids but also our day to day behavior around our kids. We all want our kids to be confident, assertive individuals and do not want our kids to be bullied or to become the bully. Master Pat Forde provides parents talks to provide parents with the key information not just to help safe guard kids from bullying or becoming the bully but also provides practical advice to help build kids confidence and self esteem at home.
Anti-Bully Bootcamp in the Media
Our Anti-Bullying programme has featured in local Limerick newspapers the Limerick Post, Limerick Chronicle and Limerick Leader and also nationally in the Irish Times and Irish Independent. . Master Forde has also been interviewed on radio on several occasions regarding his Anti Bullying work on Limerick 95 and also by Tom Dunne on Newstalk.
Bullyproof TV Series

Bullying is an epidemic in Irish society which effects people of all ages. In this series clincal psychologist David Coleman explored the issue of teenage bullying and offered his therapeutic support to a number of teenagers and their families who have been effected by bullying. As part of this support one of the male teenagers effected by bullying was brought to Limerick to visit a Munster Martial Arts class and to meet Master Pat Forde.
Master Pat Forde's was asked to support the show as with his anti-bullying training in the UK and experience on the subject combined with his coaching/teaching talents he has helped many families, kids and teenagers deal with bullying by empowering those effected with the skills , knowledge , confidence , assertiveness and self-esteem to be able to deal with bullys and help move on in their lives.
Master Forde spent lots of time on the show working with David Coleman and one of the teenagers on the show Mark. On the TV show David Coleman referred to how beneficial martial arts is for children and the impact this might have regarding bullying. As part of the show one of our teenage black belts Luke Kennedy was also interviewed and many of our younger members made their TV debut! .
Previous to working together on Bullyproof Pat had also been featured by Clincal Psychologist David Coleman on the Irish Independent newspaper in May 2011.
Upcoming Workshops
If you have any concerns regarding bullying and would like to contact Master Pat Forde please do not hesitate. Pat works nationally and regularly runs anti-bullying workshops for those effected or concerned about bullying. These can be arranged as group sessions but also privately with kids or teens and parents. Pat also works with many schools delivering anti-bullying training to students , staff and parents talks as in order for bullying to be effectively dealt with everyone involved with dealing with school children needs to be prepared with the correct information and skills. Pat has also worked with many other organisations delivering anti-bullying & life skill training such as at the National Dyspraxia Awareness Conference and through many other agencies dealing with young people.
If you are interested in booking or would like more information please call 087 2366866 or email