We were delighted to welcome Superfoot Bill Wallace back to Munster Martial Arts when a large group of students enjoyed the opportunity to train with him. Really fun night.
Well done Evan Grant , Alan Leonard and Kevin McGrath who graded for 1st Dan Black Belt. Also well done to Mr Pat Hedderman who graded for 2nd Dan Black Belt.
Munster Martial Arts and Master Pat Forde featured in RTE's Award Winning series Bullyproof.
Well done to our competition team who did really well at the Best of the Best tournament.
Well done Kamil Malecki who graded for black belt.
This March we are delighted to be bringing Bill Superfoot Wallace to Limerick.
On 25 Feb 2012 we were delighted to welcome Chloe Bruce back to Limerick.
On 5 Feb 2012 we held a student Championships in aid of CARI. Many students from all clubs gathered for this event which was a really exciting family day.
Well done to our new black belt students Luke Kennedy, Rian Brady , Cian McCarthy , Jack Murphy , Dave & James Meany.
This year Limerick City is the European City of Sport and our remarkable World Championship achievement was acknowledged by the Mayor of Limerick Cllr. Maria Byrne by a Mayoral Reception held in City Hall to acknowledge the team.
Our competition team have achieved an outstanding result at the 2011 World Championships in Cardiff , Wales. Over 1065 competitors from 17 different countries participated and our team of 12 students won an impressive 11 medals including 3 Gold , 5 Silver and 3 Bronze medals
Our competition team have achieved a fantastic result at the All Ireland Tang Soo Do Championships which was attended by teams from all over Ireland and the UK. our team won a total of 16 medals including 10 Gold, 4 Silver and 2 Bronze
This year we have had several students successfully pass senior Black Belt Grading Examinations. Munster Martial Arts is internationally affiliated to the Intercontinental Tang Soo Do Organisation and all Black Belt Gradings are carried out by Master Forde and Grand Master Dominick Giacobbe. Congradulations to the students who have passed their gradings so far.

Congradulations to James Meaney from Bruff who won the Bank of Ireland Student Achievement award for North Munster in the junior sports category. James was nominated by Ard Scoil Mhuire , Bruff for a Bank of Ireland student award.
James has been a student of Pat Forde since he started school and was nominated for his Karate achievements. Last October James won 2 Gold, 1 Silver and 1 Bronze medal at the World Championships in Poland and has also won medals at a number of National Tournaments.

October 20 2009 - A massive congradulations to all members of the Competition Team & team coach Pat Forde who travelled to Poland to take part in the Open World Championships hosted by Cheezic Tang Soo Do Poland. This was a very big event attended by many countries with a very large number of competitors.

Some of the younger members of Pat Fordes Hospital Club recently marched in the Bruff St. Patricks Day Parade. Thanks to all the members who turned up , by all accounts they were a credit to the club. Plans are already underway in the Association to mark St Patricks Day 2010 with a big Association event.
Special thanks also to Niall O'Carroll, Peter McLoughlin , Dave Meaney and Kamil Malecki who volunteered to help with the kids after Mr Forde could not attend.

In November the competition team from the club in Hospital under instructor Pat Forde travelled to the Tae Kwon Do Alliance Open Tournament in Cork. This was a massive tournament with close to 400 competitors from various Tae Kwon Do, Karate & kickboxing clubs throughout the country. Congradulations to the members of our team who had outstanding results.

Senior member Niall O'Carroll was graded successfully for his black belt. Not only was Niall training for his black belt but over the same period was studying for his Leaving Certificate. Niall did a fantastic leaving cert and is currently studying in UL while maintaining his training.

Congratulations to the members of Pat Forde's Competition Team who took part in the White Dragon Open 2008. This was a very big event with a large mix of Tae Kwon Do , Kickboxing & Karate clubs in attendance. The team were the only Tang Soo Do team at the event.
Our students took part in 2008 Club Championship held in St Endas Sports Complex in Limerick. This was a fun event and was enjoyed by students from all of our clubs. This was the first competition experience for many of the students participating on the day and all did really well. Students got the oppertunity to compete in forms and sparring and the day was very successfull. Special thanks to the black belt members who came along to help.
Congradulations to the students that travelled to the Tae Kwon Do Alliance National Open Competition in Cork under Mr Pat Forde. This was a very large competition with martial arts clubs from all over the country attending. Our team on the day was Mr Peter McLoughlin, Evan Kelly, Kamil Malecki & Sylwia Malecka. Although we only had a small team attending due to the competition running only days after our trip to Holland our team did very well and special congradulations to Kamil & Sylwia who both won medals at the competition which was their first time competing.
Following on from a successful outing to the B.M.A.F Irish Open in December a team of our students successfully competed again in April at the 2007 White Dragon Irish Open Tournament in Cork.
Competing against a large number of Tae Kwon Do , Kick Boxing & Karate clubs our team did remarkable well & it was a very positive day for all involved.
Our senior red belts, Sean Hayes, Peter McLoughlin & William Tobin had a clean-sweep of their sparring division winning first, second & third respectively.
In the adult green belt division Dave Meaney competed very well and finished in 2nd Place. Dave's son James aged 10 was our youngest competitor on the day. James showed remarkable spirit on the day fighting his way to 3rd place in the kids green belt division. James also successfully competed in the Kids King of the Ring competition which had a very large number of competitors. James fought his way through many fights to finish in 2nd place.
Congradulations to all those who competed & thanks to those who travelled on the day to support our team. All of our team showed remarkable fighting spirit on the day , well done!.
In October 2007 some of our students and Pat Forde were part of the Irish Team that took part in the Championships in Holland.
This was a very big event with teams from over 12 different countries. The competition ran over 2 days and our team got to meet fellow Tang Soo Do students, instructors & Masters from all over the world. Competition was very tought as competitors took part in sparring, forms and breaking divisions.
Students in the Hospital Club, John O'Brien, Peter McLoughlin & Lukas Stuchenberg successfully graded for their black belts.