Tang Soo Do Friends

Tang Soo Do Friends

Pat FordeStudent News

This picture was taken at one of Master Trudgills and the Traditional Tang Soo Do Federation events in Wales. These have been a highlight for many years and a unique opportunity to line out, meet and compete with over 1000 other Tang Soo Do masters and students but most importantly friends from all over the world.
Its important to remember that special feeling now , the training , the many unique efforts of our students and how good everyone felt after to have represented our country at such events.
Regardless if you even travelled we were all part of every preparation as we train together and I think we all held our heads a little higher seeing how well our fellow students competed. Remembering that feeling can help you get through some tough times sometimes and I know it has helped me.
Looking forward to getting our students back together soon and lots more great days ahead.
Master Forde