This October we welcomed back Grand Master Dominick Giacobbe 8th Dan Black Belt to Limerick. While here Grand Master Giacobbe had a very busy time training with all of our students. This was the first time a lot of our students trained with Grand Master Giacobbe and a lot of students turned out to class. While here Grand Master Giacobbe held classes in Bruff , in Tipperary and in Limerick City at Formula for Fun
All classes were very tough and students did really well which was very encouraging to see.

Grand Master Giacobbe also conducted a Black Belt Grading where Niall O'Carroll was successfully graded to 2nd Dan Black Belt. More on Niall's grading on the Black Belt grading page.
All while in Ireland Grand Master Giacobbe and Master Forde visited Colaiste Iosaf Secondary School in Kilmallock to meet with Transition Year Students. Master Forde has been conducting classes with the students who are taking part in the Munster Martial Arts School Impact Programme. Master Forde and Grand Master Giacobbe also took time out from a busy training schedule to visit the Limerick 95FM studios where they were interviewed on Limerick Today.